I know it seems rather odd for me to write about healthy living on Anna's Insights, but it's about time to discuss some other topics! When I think back on how much I used to keep active and ate more fruits and veggies, I keep wondering how I got so hooked on Twinkies and root beer. Perhaps, it was the snacks my Grandma would pack in her car for me whenever we would go on road trips. It was almost like keeping that part of the trip hidden from my Mother. I would hurry out to the car first and Grandma would tell me that the "little, black snack pack" was full of goodies. What a child's dream come true, right? I'd grab the bag, jump to the back seat in the van, and open up the delights that were inside. The bag had Velcro to keep the contents inside fresh, so I had to be very careful opening it if Mom was already in the car. Yes, quite sneaky.
But I fondly remember those times...
And I'm not going to say that I don't have those sugary, delectable treats any more. I enjoy an occasional blueberry pie or raspberry doughnut. However, I also think there is a fine line between an appropriate amount and an excessive amount. Proverbs 25:27 starts by saying, "It is not good to eat much honey..." Honey is a natural sweet creation and even it is stated that one can have too much. In our day now with stores like Wal-mart having at least one whole row dedicated to the candies of the rainbow, how much less should we be eating of them to not hit that red, excessive mark? So.......
Why care what I eat?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is a good place to start:
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
As Christians, our body is not our own. God's Spirit lives in us. I doubt that if I remembered this at a fast food restaraunt, I'd want to graze on artificial sweeteners or chicken that's been drowned in trans fats. If the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, we need to watch what we feed our bodies. Our bodies are God's temple. Do I want to fill my stomach with junk food, or should I instead be eating the pure products that God has created for us to enjoy?
Again, an occasional snack does fill my mouth and I don't think it's going to kill you if you partake of them a couple of times a week. However, I believe that 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 answers the question as to why we should care what we eat.
"You are what you eat":
Probably a quote we remember hearing from time to time, right? Although I do believe that what we put into our bodies effects our health 75%, what we eat is not the answer in and of itself. So what makes up for the lacking 25%? Exercise.
Exercise is crucial in having a healthy body. Food that we take into our bodies helps to preserve our organs. Such as bananas that contain a high level of potassium which are excellent for the heart. But walking every day, jogging, bicycling, riding horse, swimming to name a few, are what we need to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
As with all things, exercise should be done in moderation. Don't overdo it. Again, eating right is the biggest part of living healthy. I hope to discuss exercise further in the following blog post, but would like to stick to the "why's" of eating healthy for this post.
Health Concerns:
Many people I know stick to Gluten-free products or they may have certain allergies to certain food choices. And still others' stomachs may not be able to tolerate general kinds of foods (like hot and spicy). If you're seriously wanting to get away from the chemicalized foods in the grocery and convenience stores, you should first of all ask your doctor about a healthy diet plan. Remember, eating healthy isn't about losing weight. It's about living a healthy life. Of course, life is not pain or sick-free; but, when eating the way God has designed us to eat, we will be avoiding a lot of the diseases that may have been knocking at our door ten years down the road if we didn't correct our food habits today.
When I first started to seriously think about eating differently, I just wanted to lose weight. I went off on a couple of different tangents--even not eating at all--until I would get caught. People who quit eating entirely or throw up after eating have developed either one of these mental disorders: Anorexia or Bulimia. Compulsive Overeating disorders are just as damaging.
But that's not what eating healthy means. There was a reason mom put broccoli on our plate and milk on the table when we were kids. To build strong bones and again, stay healthy. God has designed our bodies to be healthy, not sick. So I believe that, "whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." [1 Corinthians 10:31]. Whether we're sleeping, exercising, reading books, or yes, even eating, all we do should be to the glory of God!
Next step?
The next step is to do something about it! Take action and make the change. It's hard to cut out sweets and I don't think a person should give up on them entirely. God has given us so many wonderful things to eat, that in comparison to the food man has processed and ruined to give things a "better" flavor, we need to turn back to the days before processed, artificial, and genetically modified food.
God knew exactly what vitamins and good proteins our bodies needed and continue to need after all generations of farmers. And with this being June Dairy month, let's take the time to not only thank farmers, but to enjoy the food that they harvest.
Next time, we'll be discussing different food choices that are some of the best sources of nutrition.
3 John 1:5 "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."
1 comment:
Good post! I've seen a lot of people taking a new interest in health lately...some good, some bad. Everything in moderation. Extreme diets usually don't end up being productive (assuming you're an average healthy person).
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