Well, Happy Thanksgiving all you Insight readers!! I know this post is at the end of your Thanksgiving dinner, but hey! Thanksgiving is just one day of the year, but being thankful for the blessings God gives us should be a 365 day remembrance.
And for a little Thanksgiving fun, I'm doing the T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G challenge. So for each letter in the word "Thanksgiving", I'm going to tell you what I'm thankful for. Here goes!
Time. I'm finding out how precious time is and how fast it comes and goes. Time is our worst enemy, but it's what gives us the opportunity to work, spend quality time with family, and do all the fun stuff we enjoy doing in our lives.
Horses. Horses have been my therapists. They always lift my depressed spirits and they bring me joy. God knew exactly what I needed to get through this life somewhat sanely. Haha.
America. I'm grateful for this country we live in. It certainly has its problems, but I'm keeping the Old American pride.
Naps. Some days are so busy and I'm definitely tired by mid-afternoon, so it's really nice to just close my eyes and relax. With that, I hope you all take this four day weekend a little easier, too. :)
K. Yup, I'm thankful for the 11th letter in the alphabet. Haha, no. That's just to throw you off. I'm thankful for my little collie, Keara! I'm thankful for all of our animals, but you know, "K" isn't a really easy letter either. ;-)
Sweet potates. Okay, I'm crazy about sweet potatoes! That is my favorite thing on the Thanksgiving table and I'm most thankful for yams and marshmallows.
Grace. God's grace is sufficient for all and without His mercy, we would be lost forever. Thank God for His love for us!

Interests. (aka hobbies) Those nice little activities that keep a person out of trouble. I love writing, working with horses, doing all the other stuff I like to do when I'm home. It's amazing that God gives us individual interests and passions. So basically, I'm thankful for individuality as well.
Violets. This is a hard letter! Okay, though I am not a big fan of flowers, violets are probably my favorite flowers. They bring a beautiful purple flavor to nature and I'm thankful that God creates beautiful things for us to look at.
Internet. Yeah, that's a given, right? Without it, I wouldn't have written this post and you wouldn't be reading it! It's what connects us when we're in different parts of the state, nation, and world.
Nachos. Yes, no county fair is complete without chips and cheese dips! But basically, I'm thankful that God gives us a variety of foods to enjoy. Healthy or yeah, unhealthy. :-P
God. He is the most important part of my life and I wouldn't be here without Him. He's why I exist and I'm thankful to Him for giving me life.
Mmm....sweet potatoes!
I did it! Now it's your turn. Tell your friends how God has blessed you this year and on your hardest days, write down all those blessings and I guarantee you won't think life is quite as bad as it may have felt. :-)
Yours blogever,
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